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This free, peer-to-peer tutoring platform, supported by Sal Khan Founder of Khan Academy and Arne Duncan (Former US Secretary of Education) is a on which anyone, anywhere can receive live help, earn shareable certifications in the topics they learn about, and have the option to become a tutor in the topics they master. The current focus is on high school math and SAT prep, with plans to expand to other areas soon. All the small-group tutoring sessions happen over Zoom.

Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. They tackle math, science, computing, history, art history, economics, and more, including K-14 and test preparation (SAT, Praxis, LSAT) content. The focus is on skill mastery to help learners establish strong foundations, so there's no limit to what they can learn next!

PBS and local station have curated FREE, standards-aligned videos, interactives, lesson plans, and more. This site is packed with fun and engaging activities for students to do independently or as part of a group. Using a multidisciplinary, content-based format, these resources teach children how to take an active approach to learning—to ask questions, create, experiment, and have fun!

PBS brings math concepts to life through interactive games, animations and engaging media resources.

Explore natural phenomena and scientific practices with videos, lesson plans, and interactive tools (PBS Site)

Discover resources and projects that connect students to engineering design practices and future careers. (PBS Site)

Explore NASA STEM Resources for High School Students 9-12.

Explore NASA STEM Resources for Students in grades 5-8

NASA has E-books, Podcasts, Videos, Virtual Tours and Apps. Find crafting ideas, science experiments with household items and videos to watch as a family.


Three Free amazing courses offered by Harvard University as a part of introductory series in neuroscience.

Part 1: Learn how electricity makes the neurons in your brain tick.

Part 2: Discover how neurons work together to create complex networks inside the brain.

Part 3: Discover what makes your brain tick.

This free course (‘Fundamentals of Physics I‘)provides a thorough introduction to the principles and methods of physics for students who have good preparation in physics and mathematics. Emphasis is placed on problem solving and quantitative reasoning. This course covers Newtonian mechanics, special relativity, gravitation, thermodynamics, and waves. (Offered by Yale University).

This free course (‘Fundamentals of Physics II’) is a continuation of Fundamentals of Physics I (PHYS 200), the introductory course on the principles and methods of physics for students who have good preparation in physics and mathematics. This course covers electricity, magnetism, optics and quantum mechanics. (Offered by Yale University).

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